A Classical Gem: Bertram Goodhue's National Academy of Sciences
Last week the Mid-Atlantic chapter of the ICAA toured a fantastic classical structure by Bertram Goodhue , the National Academy of Sciences . Like much of his work it defies categorization but lets call it 'Beaux Arts' or 'Classical architecture' for now. Finished in 1924 it was recently renovated by local firm Quinn Evans who did an outstanding job restoring this masterpiece. The above image, from Quinn Evan's website, shows the Academy from the national mall. Goodhue was a sort of modernist of his time and while the structures on the mall have to be classical he called this 'Alexandrian' in style, after ancient Egypt, to pass approval. Notice the battered (sloped) walls and a lot of Egyptian details. The white marble facade features discrete stone pilasters at the windows and bronze plaques between the windows showing famous figures from the history of science. The ornamental bronze cornice features owls and lynx, the symbols of wisdom and observation...