Powis Castle gardens, Wales

In the wealth of saved emails from penpal Neil, Powis Castle stands out as a remarkable building site. The medieval castle dates from the 13th century but has been improved and built upon until the present time. The gardens however are the real thing to see here. Taking advantage of the hilltop site, the baroque gardens original to the 17th century, terrace down the hillside creating dramatic views of the castle in Italian style. They were extensively restored by Violet Herbert , Countess of Powis, beginning in 1911 and becoming her life's work until her death by car crash in 1929. Although a castle is essentially a fortress, a military stronghold, the multiple rebuilding of the structure and addition of expansive windows have created a palace over time. I'm sure the original occupants wouldn't recognize their early home 800 years later. Perhaps the courtyard entrance below which remains the most unchanged would appear familiar. One can see why such an old fortress would ...