
Showing posts from May, 2017

Shopping Atlanta

One thing Atlanta is known for is furniture shopping. No trip to Atlanta is complete without visiting some of their numerous home stores. I think antique shopping is the local past time! One of my first stops after a fun lunch with noted blogger The Blue Remembered Hills  was to ADAC (the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center). One of my favorite shops was definitely Ainsworth Noah which carries a selection of antiques along with new furniture and art.  Loved this little side table made by Dessin Fournir , one of many brands they represent. Every part of this showroom you want as a little vignette back in your own home!  Another great shop was Holland & Co which has this lovely antique doorway leading into the showroom.  And what better place to get an architectural accent such as an antique door and surround than at my favorite shop in the world, Architectural Accents (which I've blogged about previously HERE ). In addition to architectural salvaged pieces from Eur...

Ansley Park, Atlanta

I spent this past weekend in Atlanta visiting friends (including blogger BlueRememberedHills who promises to start blogging again!) and stayed in Ansley Park.  Developed in the early 20th century (1905 to be exact) this was the first neighborhood in Atlanta to be built around cars featuring wide winding streets and relatively large lots.  Prior neighborhoods were more urban with townhouses and narrower streets for public streetcars. Atlanta obviously took notice as now the city is a sprawling suburban wasteland (oops, did I say that) requiring a car for the most small of errands. Like many of the most interesting urban neighborhoods the area is mixed with large and small sized houses adjacent to low-rise apartment buildings. And no visit to Atlanta is complete without a few visits to some Philip T. Schutze designed buildings, the king of southern classicism, such as The Villa , seen here, and Swan House . These well designed apartments prove you don't have to be rich to affo...